Jeremy Pascall, part of FLIP’S all-star reporting staff in England, asked this question of Herman, Spencer Davis and Scott Engel. Their answers will surprise you!
Herman: Permalink
“I think Mike is rather a raunchy individual. The way he reacted to photography shows that he’s the new boy in show-business. Photographers can be a pest but you must learn how to handle them—you don’t have to be rude and yet you can stand up for your self. It’s just a matter of hitting the happy medium.
“After all photographers are only blokes doing a job. They’re nice fellers. I didn’t dislike Mike though, I just think he should learn to temper his impatience with professionalism.
“Micky is a great character, a front man, interested in promoting the group’s image—I liked Micky. He leaped around and was amusing—he’s been in the business a long time and really knows where it’s at.”
Spencer: Permalink
“Micky is a looner, he jumps around, gags, talks a lot and laughs while Mike is a loner, quiet, retiring, difficult to communicate with.
“Micky came down to see me at the Marquee Club—he told me that he’d gone out of his way to get hold of some of our records and seemed very appreciative of the music we are laying down.
“I went to his hotel to have dinner with him and then he came over to my home for dinner with Pauline, my wife and myself. Sarah, who’s a big Monkees fan, wouldn’t go near Micky because she couldn’t believe he was real but ever since she’s told everybody that Micky Monkee came to dinner.
“We took Mike and Phyllis out to an Italian restaurant but Mike and I couldn’t really communicate. Phyllis and Pauline chattered away about children—they’re both experts on kids!
“I like the music the Monkees are making—it’s uncomplicated, easy to understand and happy. I know that Micky has great ideas for the future and wants to be more experimental but that will have to wait a bit I think.
“He’s very interested in electronic music, a bag he picked up from Paul McCartney, I guess. We played some radiophonic stuff which he liked, really switched on to.
“I dig the Monkees—they deserve to do well.”
Scott: Permalink
“I don’t consider them part of pop. They’re frauds. You could pick up any four guys off the streets of London and they’d do better than Monkees have.
“They don’t play their own instruments and I have serious doubts on their acting ability. As far as I can see they’re more popular in England than they are in the States.”