Info Info My family has always enjoyed music, so I gave my mom this organ for Christmas. She loves it and we often have family sing-alongs. She even learned two Monkee songs! Coco and I do a lot of singing whenever we get together. Info [Above], you can see my dad, Dr. Scott, wrestling with Debbie and Gina. This is a regular Friday night event. My dad even has a special sports outfit he wears. The girls just love it and never seem to get enough. Dad, secretly, loves it too! Info Beautiful green hills surround my parents’ home in Los Gatos in Northern California. I really love going home because it’s always so peaceful. Info That’s Debbie, [above], in the original costume I wore on Circus Boy. There was a cap to go with it, but we couldn’t find it. I can’t believe it, it fits her perfectly! Now all she needs is an elephant and she can enter show business. Info Debbie and Gina really do a great go-go dance. They put on shows for my folks just like Coco and I used to. Debbie is 12 and Gina is 8. Info Info There’s the whole gang in our living room—my Mom, Janelle, Debbie, Dr. Scott, Gina and Coco (hamming it up). We have great times together and I only wish I could see the family more often. Info [Above], Coco and Debbie take turns riding a neighbor’s horse. All my sisters would love to have horses, but even though we have a very big yard, it’s not that big! Coco is a good rider because we used to ride a lot. Info Do you think I invented all those nutty faces? I make some up, but I think I inherited some too! Info My mom has to be the grooviest mom ever. She digs the Monkees, and since she’s met Davy, she hopes to meet Peter and Mike too. Info Mom is also a great cook, but she doesn’t let anyone in her kitchen! She makes fantastic pork chops with rice. Info
C’mon Along with Me and Visit My Parents’ House
Magazine: Tiger Beat
Author: Micky Dolenz
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 2
Issue: 10
Publisher: New Asbury Ltd. Publishing Co.
Pages: 2–5
- Circus Boy
- Coco Dolenz
- Debbie Dolenz
- Gina Dolenz
- Horseback Riding
- Janelle Dolenz Scott
- Los Gatos
- Micky Dolenz
- Robert Scott