Photos and story by Ric Klein
When Micky and I went to New York on the first stop of our vacation, we had just gotten our bags unpacked in our hotel room and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and who do you suppose it was? None other than Harpo of the Raiders. The three of us talked for awhile and had a great time.

Later we all went to Greenwich Village for dinner. We ate at the Dug-Out. It’s like one of the basement restaurants of the 1920’s. After dinner we went walking and ended up meeting two more of the Raiders, Fang and Smitty. Then we all went back to the hotel and met Davy Jones. The whole group of us went out to watch the Daily Flash. We all dug them and Davy danced with some girls. Micky and I were too tired to dance.
One thing’s for sure. The Raiders and the Monkees got along fine and they all said that soon the entire groups would get together. I’ll be telling you about this encounter soon in TiGER BEAT.

The big meeting took place in New York. [To the right] you see Fang, Smitty, Harpo, with his back to camera, and Micky talking it up in Greenwich Village. When the fans saw these stars together, huge crowds gathered wherever they went. It was a big thrill for me to be along with them. It was an outasite night. Too bad that Mark, Paul and Peter and Mike couldn’t make it, but they will get together soon.
About the author: Ric Klein is Micky’s closest friend and works on the Monkee TV show. He’ll be keeping you informed on Micky’s activities each month in TiGER BEAT.