Info Just before Christmas, Davy Jones managed to grab a few free days—so he hurriedly packed and caught a plane for London, England. At London, he changed planes and flew to Manchester to spend a few precious days with his family. Davy Jones and 16 Magazine extend a cordial invitation to you to join him on his visit home and to share the warmth of a good old-fashioned family get-together. Info First of all, meet my relatives—rather most of them. Left to right are Alex (who is married to Lynda), my nephew Mark, his mom Lynda, me, my sister Beryl, and my dad Harry Thomas. Info Well, it looks like I’m not the world’s greatest baby-sitter, but I tried. By the way, my sister Hazel was not at home when these pictures were taken. Info Here I am with my Scottie dog, “Dodger”. In case you didn’t notice, that’s a Monkee I’m giving him. Info Here’s the family—with me leading the way, natch—teaching Beryl how to cook. And it’s a good thing, too—cos she was getting married the next day! Info Hey, you’d be laughing, too, if you knew what happened. That’s the postman in the middle, delivering the morning mail to my dad—and a letter from me was right on top! Info Here my dad is hanging up one of the Christmas presents I gave him. It is a very unusual black and white painting one of my California buddies, Neko, did of me. Info Thanks for coming along with me. Let’s take “Dodger” for a final walk before we catch the plane back to Los Angeles. Hope we get together again real soon.
Davy Jones Invites You—Come Home with Me
Magazine: 16
Author: Davy Jones
Editor: Gloria Stavers
Volume: 8
Issue: 12
Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.
Pages: 54–55
- Alex Moore
- Beryl Jones
- Christmas
- Davy Jones
- Dodger
- Harry Jones
- Hazel Jones Wilkinson
- Home
- London
- Lynda Jones Moore
- Manchester
- Mark Jonathan Moore
- Neko Cholis
- Wedding