Have you ever wondered when your favorite Star’s birthday is, what kind of present he (or she) would really like to have—and how to make sure it is mailed to a place where he (or she) will positively get it?
Well, wonder no more. In every issue of 16 Magazine, you will find this exclusive All-Star Birthday Address-Gift Guide. It will give you the name of the star whose birthday is coming up soon, his (or her) actual birthday, a list of his (or her) clothes’ sizes (all sizes are American—not English, and shirt-sleeve sizes are measured from the back of the neck to the wrist), and ring sizes (all are for left-hand ring finger), the color or colors he (or she) likes best, what kind of presents he (or she) prefers, where to mail your present (or card or letter) so that the star you love will get it personally! P.S.: When you send gifts to England, be sure to put a Customs Declaration sticker (you get the stickers free at the post office) on each package and mark it “Unsolicited gift—value less than $10.”
Brian Jones (Rolling Stones) Permalink
Birthday—February 28; hat—7 ¼; shirt—14 ½-inch neck / 31-inch sleeve (or Small); sweater—38 (or Medium); shoe—8 ½ B; socks—10; ring—7; favorite colors—black and blue; favorite gifts—unusual shirts, sweaters and ties; address—63–69 New Oxford St., London W.1, England.
Micky Dolenz (Monkees) Permalink

Birthday—March 8; hat—7 ½; shirt—15 ½-inch neck / 32-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater—42 (or Large); shoe—10 C; socks—11; ring—9; favorite colors—all the colors in the rainbow; favorite gifts—anything that’s goofy; the zanier the better; address—1334 N. Beechwood, Hollywood, Calif.
Mike Love (Beach Boys) Permalink
Birthday—March 15; hat—7 ½; shirt—15 ½-inch neck / 32-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater—42 (or Large); shoe—10 B; socks—11; ring—9; favorite colors—blue and white; favorite gifts—cuff links, any kind of jewelry, souvenirs from your home town; address—9000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.
John Sebastian (Lovin’ Spoonful) Permalink
Birthday—March 17; hat—7 ¼; shirt—15 ½-inch neck / 31-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater—38 (or Medium); shoe—9; socks—11; ring—8 ½; favorite colors—brown, beige and blue; favorite gifts—collects old jug band and blues records, doesn’t like expensive gifts; address—c/o Bob Cavallo, 1414 Sixth Ave., N.Y.C., N.Y.
Jeremy Clyde (Chad & Jeremy) Permalink
Birthday—March 22; hat—7 ¼; shirt—15-inch neck / 31-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater—38 (or Medium); shoe—9 C; socks—10; ring—only wears one ring (with family crest); favorite colors—blue; favorite gifts—books, biographies and science fiction, single and LP records of American rock ’n’ roll; address—9000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.
Tune in next month for more of your favorite stars’ birthdays, addresses and gift guides.