Hello there! It’s me, your friend and luvver (I hope)—Davy Jones. Since I’ve been appearing regularly on The Monkees TV show I’ve received thousands upon thousands of letters asking me—among other things—about my childhood in Manchester, England. There’s no better way to tell you all about it than to personally show you, picture by picture, the family album that my late mother and my dad Harry have kept on me over the years. I went over every single picture and then wrote captions for each one myself. So come back in the Time Tunnel with me while we recapture my whole life story in pictures.
Info This was the very first picture ever taken of me. I was exactly one year old and it was taken at my house in Learnington [sic] Street (where the whole family always lived, until I bought my father a new home eight months ago). I look like I was trying to sing, even then! Info Boy, I was really up tight [sic] about something in this picture! It was taken on Christmas Day when I was two years old. I am sitting on my “security” pillow—which I took with me everywhere, until I was about five years old. Info At two and one-half, with bouquet in hand, I posed prettily by the door of Lees Street Congregational Church. This was taken at Whitsontide, which is something like your Easter. Info Here I am with the rest of my Sunday School gang getting ready to go on our Annual Walk—a patriotic event, as you can tell. Can you spot me? I’m the third kid from the left. I was four and one-half years old. Info Ah, what a lovely group of students! This was taken in front of the Varna Street School in Manchester, when I was six. I am in the bottom row, second from the right. Fourth row, second from the right, was my “girl friend,” Beryl, and the cute blond boy near the center was my best friend, Harry Hoskinson. He is in the Air Force and I still correspond with his mother. Info A typical ragamuffin at seven, I had been eating chocolate just before this school picture was taken. If you look closely, you can see samples of same [sic] on my chin, lips and one of my teeth. Info This is one of the few family group pictures that was ever taken. Left to right are my dad, my mom (who died several years ago), sisters Hazel and Beryl; down front are myself and Lynda. Info Here’s a clip from a Manchester newspaper showing how clever I was at jumping through rubber tires. It was my first taste of publicity, and I’ve never been the same since. Info At nine, I posed with Hazel and Lynda, outside our cottage at Glen May on the Isle of Man—where we used to holiday from time to time. Info Another school picture, taken when I was ten years old. I was wearing my first blazer, which was given to me by a neighbor lad who had changed schools. That spot on my left cheek was a birthmark which later faded. Info At eleven, back at Glen May with my dear old dad—who was trying to teach me the fine art of fishing. But I already had my mind on other things—like posing for the camera. Info My very first singing “engagement” was on the pier of the Isle of Whight. I sang Donna and Worried Man, and this truly was the very beginning of my show-business career.
Well, that’s all I have room for this time, but this is only half of my private photo album. Next month there’ll be more, more, more—so ’til then, stay cool and I’ll see you on The Monkees.