“Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth” Pictures (402 pictures)
InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoJonathan (Kerry MacLane) InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones, Jonathan (Kerry MacLane) InfoDavy Jones, Jonathan (Kerry MacLane) Info InfoJonathan (Kerry MacLane) InfoDavy Jones InfoJonathan (Kerry MacLane) InfoDavy Jones InfoJonathan (Kerry MacLane), Davy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoPeter Tork, Micky Dolenz Info Info InfoPeter Tork, Micky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Mr. Babbit (Henry Corden) InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Micky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork, Mr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones Info Info InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith, Davy Jones InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoPeter Tork, Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden) InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden) InfoMike Nesmith InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden) InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith Info InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith, Mr. Babbit (Henry Corden) InfoMike Nesmith, Mr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Micky Dolenz Info InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz Info InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork Info InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoDr. Mann (Jerry Colonna) InfoDr. Mann (Jerry Colonna) InfoMike Nesmith InfoDr. Mann (Jerry Colonna)
Tags (176) Permalink
- Above
- Animal
- Answering Door
- Antagonist
- Arm Raised
- Back
- Below
- Bending
- Bike
- Bird
- Biting
- Blanket
- Blowing
- Boat
- Bowl
- Boxing Glove
- Breaking Fourth Wall
- Bucket
- Bull
- Bullfighting
- Butt
- Cake
- Camel
- Car
- Cast Credits
- Chase
- Chicken
- Children
- Clapping
- Climbing
- Clock
- Close Faces
- Closed Eyes
- Closeup
- Closing Door
- Closing Shot
- Confused
- Corn
- Covering Ears
- Covering Face
- Cow
- Credits
- Cross Legged
- Crossed Arms
- Crossed Legs
- Crowd
- Cupping Mouth
- Derp
- Determined
- Dinner Triangle
- Director Credits
- Dog
- Driving
- Eating
- Exiting Door
- Eyes
- Fabric
- Facepalm
- Fainted
- Fallen Down
- Falling
- Feeding
- Fence
- Finger Gun
- Fingers in Ears
- Flag
- Flashback
- Floor
- Flower
- Food
- Fridge
- Glass
- Grabbing
- Guilty
- Guitar Case
- Gun
- Hair Flip
- Hand
- Hand Behind Back
- Hand in Pocket
- Hand on Chest
- Hand on Face
- Hand on Head
- Hand on Hip
- Hands Out
- Handstand
- Happy
- Hay
- Hiding
- Holding Hat
- Horse
- Hugging
- Hurt
- Jacket Over Shoulder
- Jumping
- Keep Off the Grass
- Kicking
- Kneeling
- Leaning
- Lens Flare
- Light
- Log
- Looking Down
- Looking Up
- Lying Down
- Magnifying Glass
- Messy Hair
- Milk
- Mirror
- Modest
- Money
- Monkey
- Motion Blur
- Newspaper
- Opening Door
- Opening Shot
- Pail
- Performing
- Phone
- Pig
- Pitch Pipe
- Pitchfork
- Pointing
- Profile
- Prop
- Proud
- Pulling
- Race
- Relieved
- Reversed
- Romp
- Rope
- Running
- Salami
- Sand
- Scared
- Scratching Chin
- Scratching Head
- Seesaw
- Shrugging
- Sign
- Singing
- Sitting
- Skeptical
- Sleeping
- Smile
- Smoke
- Smoke Bomb
- Smoking
- Smug
- Somersault
- Sparks
- Squinting
- Squirrel
- Sticking Out Tongue
- Stock Footage
- Surfboard
- Talking on Phone
- Thumbing
- Tongue
- Touching
- Tree
- Unicycle
- Upside Down
- Water
- Waving
- Waving Finger
- Whistling
- Wide
- Wide Eyed
- Winking
- Woe Is Me
- Worried
- Writing Credits
- Yawning
- Yelling
People (11) Permalink
- Chuck Bail
- Davy Jones
- Henry Corden
- Jerry Colonna
- Jesslyn Fax
- Jim Boles
- Kerry MacLane
- Micky Dolenz
- Mike Nesmith
- Peter Tork
- Unknown
Characters (7) Permalink
Instruments (7) Permalink
- 6073 Red Gretsch Bass
- 6076 Blonde 12-String Gretsch Guitar
- Bugle
- Gold Sparkle Drums
- Harmonica
- Maracas
- Microphone
Songs (2) Permalink
Locations (25) Permalink
- Beach
- Blue Background
- Columbia Ranch Berm
- Dr. Mann’s Office
- Exterior
- Farm
- Fisher’s Barn
- Fisher’s Farm
- Griffith Observatory Street
- None
- Outside Pilot Pad
- Outside the Pad
- Point Dume
- Purple Background
- Stock Footage
- The Pad
- The Pad Bandstand
- The Pad Closet Door
- The Pad Downstairs Bedroom Door
- The Pad Front Door
- The Pad Kitchen
- The Pad Stained Glass Window
- The Pad Staircase
- The Pad Upstairs
- Westward Beach