Peter Tork Speaks Out

Peter Tork

One of your top fave TV stars confides his intimate secrets in answer to some very personal questions!

What is your full real name?

My full real name is Peter Halsten Thorkelson, but my friends call me “Tork”.

When and where were you born?

I was born in Washington, D.C., on February 13, 1942—just a day before St. Valentine’s Day, dears.

What is your height, weight and coloring?

I am five feet and ten inches tall, weigh 125 pounds, have brown eyes and medium blond hair.

Where do you parents live?

My father, John, is a Professor of Economics at the University of Connecticut—but he and my mother, Virginia, are now traveling on sabbatical.

Do you have any sisters and brothers?

Yes—two brothers, Nick 21 and Christopher 14, and one sister Ann Elizabeth, who is ten. Nick used to write such nutty tunes as Under the Undertaker, Ga-Goo-Ga, but that’s another story. Keep your eyes glued to the next issue of 16 and you will find out all about it.

Where do you live?

I live in a groovey little house high in the Hollywood Hills. I [sic] has a long balcony, overlooking a great view.

What college did you go to?

I went to Carleton College, in Northfield, Minn. Guess what? I flunked out.

What musical instruments do you play?

I play guitar, five-string banjo, recorder, electric organ, French horn and piano. I sing harmony, and occasionally lead.

Who are your favorite singers?

First, the Beatles; followed by the Lovin’ Spoonful. I also dig the singing styles of Frank Ifield and Ray Charles.

What are your favorite colors?

I like bright colors, such as red, orange and yellow.

What are your favorite foods?

I really don’t have a particular favorite. When I’m hungry, I eat whatever is around.

What is your hobby?

Music! I don’t compose, I just play—and I really live for music.

What is your favorite book?

I have no favorite book, but right now I am reading The Sayings Of Buddah and I find them very beautiful.

What do you look for in a girl?

One really cannot generalize. Each girl is different, and very special. However, I am more inclined to be drawn to girls who have a strong personality and a bright sense of humor.

What do you like to do on a date?

I don’t like to go out night-clubbing or to parties. I like to sit alone, hold hands, dream, and think of beautiful things.

How would you describe yourself?

On the surface I am happy-go-lucky and maybe even a little nutty, but underneath I am very serious about all the things I do.

Where do you like to go to get away from it all?

I don’t want to get away—I just got here! However, my parents have a rustic home in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada—that is a kind of family retreat.

What do you do in your spare time?

Spare time? You must be kidding!! In the little bit that I have, I really like to go to my house in the Hills and sit down with a couple of friends, and turn the outside world off for awhile.

What do you think of live personal appearances?

Are there any other kind? They’re great, and I hope you dig ours when we come your way on our tour during the Christmas Holidays.

Do you have a steady girl?

No, I don’t—but I am not against going steady. I went steady with a groovey chick in Greenwich Village once, and I dug it.

What do you remember most about your Greenwich Village days?

Oh—there is just too much to go into now (like I said before, that will be in the next issue of 16). However, off the top of my head it’s still there! I’d say, passing the “bread basket” in some of those coffee houses I played in for nothing is my outstanding Village memory.

Are you friendly with the other Monkees?

Yes—very. But when we’re not working, we have varied private interests, so we tend to go our own ways.

What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

The same kind of clothes that you see me wearing on TV. I dig nutty shirts and I am constantly looking for new ones.

What is your favorite word?

My favorite word is more than a word. It’s The Word—and the word is love. Love is really a way of life. I strongly recommend it to one and all.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Everybody in the world needs love, and I’d wish that we all would really love one another.

Do you read your fan mail?

I read as much of it as I possibly can, and I thank all of you for writing.

Magazine: 16
Editor: Gloria Stavers
Volume: 9
Issue: 9
Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.
Pages: 6–7