“Zilch (Michael Nesmith vocal track)”

It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the, people are
It is of my, opinion that
It is of my people that the timmins
It is of my
It is of my
It is of right
It is

It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
It is of my opinion that the people are intending
Hober reeber sabasoben, hobaseeba ro
Hoba seeba reeba seeba, hobaseeba seeba
Hober reeber saber deeber, saber seeber raberseeber
Seeba sabba soben, robaseeben robaseeben
Seeba seeba hobaseeba sabaseeba sa
Zilch… zilch… zilch…

  1. The Monkees: The Day-by-Day Story of the ’60s TV Pop Sensation (2005), Andrew Sandoval, p. 303.