Got a birthday wish for your favorite rocker? Want to send him or her a personal message? Just send it to RockLine!—in 20 words or less!—and we’ll print as many as we have room for each issue! Mail your message to:
RockLine! Personals
RockLine! Magazine
157 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019
Dear Don Johnson: I think you are good looking on Miami Vice. Love always, Your number 1 Fan. Pam Wagner, Marietta, OH
Dear Monkees: I love you guys! Hope to see you more in the future. April Willcox, Malden, Mass.
Davy, Micky, Mike and Peter: Love you guys. Happy Birthday Micky. Thanks for releasing your autobiography, Davy. Can’t wait to read it! Love always and forever. A Saturday’s Child, Heather Lyba, Adamstown, PA
Monkees: Your concert was uptight, outtasight. Real groovy foot action. Please remember to “Save The Texas Prairie Chicken”! I love you all. Heather J. Grass, Shepherd, MI
Davy Jones: Hello from your #1 fan. I think you’re so gorgeous. Don’t ever change. You’ll always be #1 to me. Love ya, Sandy Saporito, Tewksbury, MA
Happy Birthday Roger Taylor: I love you!! I hope you get all the happiness you deserve! You are truly the greatest person in the world! I love you, Lisa from CT
Ralph Macchio: Dear Cutey! You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. Love you, Jennifer Lorenz, Sugarcreek, OH
Micky, Davy and Peter: I loved your concert at Great Adventure. Hope you come again! Luv ya! Your greatest fan, Nicole, North Collins, N.Y.
Dear Micky: Happy Birthday kid! I’ll always love you. Please come back to San Diego. Monkeemania is alive and forever!! Dana, Ommen, Escondido, CA
David Jones: Happy Belated Birthday! Don’t ever stop being a “Daydream Believer”!! Luv you always, Kimn Person, Fairview Park, OH
Dear Monkees: Please come play in New Mexico (between Arizona and Texas)! Luv ya Davy! #1 Fan, Kate, Deming, NM
Paul McCartney: If what I hear is true, that the Beatles are getting back together, I wish you guys the best of luck. The Beatles are forever and the greatest group of all time. I love you all so much! The Beatles #1 fan forever and always. Angela Weymouth, ME
Micky Dolenz: You are the most gorgeous guy in the whole world. You were then and you are now. Anna Wilson, Norfolk, VA
Monkees: You are the greatest and cutest guys. Please stay together. Love you Peter Tork! Tara Velli, Palm Springs, CA
Monkeemen: You are the burning heart of our ’60s revival! We need you and love you! M.P.
Monkees: “I’ll be True To You” and “I’m A Believer” Remember always it’s “A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You.” Melanie H., Mechanicsburg, PA
To The Monkees: We love you!, Love, Angie, Tina, Tracy, Charmain and Christy, NEV
The Monkees: I love your show, your music and loved your concerts (saw you three times!). You are fantastic all-’round entertainers! Best wishes, Fiona Garrard, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Dear Olivia Newton-John: We love and miss you so. Please return with a movie and album. Love, Mark Livingston, Indianapolis, IN
Dear Monkees: You are the best around! Come to Texas. I love you all. You’re my favorites! Carrie Bemis, Bay City, TX
Davy Jones: Happy birthday and many more. You’re still gorgeous. Hope the Monkees stay around, because you’re the best. Love, Edna Green, Lisa Stokely, Newport, TN
Dear Steve Perry: “Should I show how I feel, you’re the magnet, I’m steel.” Love you faithfully, Rosanne Chyu, Taipei, Taiwan
Hey Journey: Thanks for the fantastic show in Greensboro, NC. Hope you “Stay Awhile” and return soon. Faithfully Yours, Karen Walton, Raleigh, NC
Phil Collins (Genesis): Love your group and your songs, Come back to Toronto. #1 Fans, Jenny & Wendy, Ontario
Dear Davy: Happy 41st birthday! You’re cuter than ever! Love Stacey, MO
To my favorite rock group, The Monkees: You made my 15th summer one to remember. Your music is the best. Don’t ever stop! Love always, Angela Emery, Ontario, Canada
Monkees: You’re the greatest! I loved your concert from my home town Portsmouth, VA. Stay cool and hope to hear more from you. Thanks a lot! Larry
Monkees: “I wonder if butterflies get people…” Saw you in Duluth… got butterflies. Keep singin’! Sandi, Kim, Tonya, Stormy, WI
To Alan Jackman (The Outfield): I think you’re the cutest guy ever! Hope you had fun on your b-day. Love always, Billie, Honolulu, HI
Davy & Mike: Happy Birthday. I will always love you!! You guys are great! Love, Gwen E., Hockessin, DE
Elton John: Thanks for a great show you put on. I love your new album. Hope it sells millions. You’re number one. Calvin Cherry, Red Boiling Springs; TN
Hey Monkees: If you’re reading this, we love you! Please come back to Pittsburg, PA. #1 Fans, Amy and Julie
Madonna: To a great singer, who I totally adore. Good luck with Sean. Love ya, Zach, Beverly Hills, CA
Boy George: Hope you’re feeling better. Don’t give up. Love you so much. Love and kisses, Lisa R., Holyoke, MA
Hey Hey, it’s the Monkees: They are great in concert—only wish Mike was there. Your #1 Fan, Robin McCrea, Laconia, N.H.
Mr. Mister: I love you guys so much! I have every album you were on! Best concert at Jones Beach last summer! Luv, Your #1 Fan, Raquel B., Leonia, N.J.
Morten Harket: I’d just like to wish my favorite rock star a very happy birthday and lots of luck. Love, B. Les Shirley, PA
Corey Hart: Come home real soon to perform those new hot and firey tunes! Miss you a lot. Love you, your biggest fan, Patricia Domenis, Montreal, Canada
Davy Jones and the Monkees: Glad to see you’re still Monkeeing around! Davy, I love your clothes! Laura Hildebrand, CT
Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran: I haven’t seen much of you. I missed ya a lot. Love, Kelly, BG Ohio
Monkees: You guys are the greatest. The concert was great! Wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Come back to Buffalo. Your Monkee Mania fan, Leslie F.
Boy George: Hope postcards I sent put some of the colors you love into your life Rainbow Boy! Flowers, love. Gardena
Davy Jones: You’re the best thing that ever happened to rock! You’re handsome and sexy! Love ya 4-ever! Lisa, Gaylord, MI
Peter Cetera: Hope ya get the “Song Poem” I sent you at your fan club address. I wrote it to you personally. Love ya, Patricia Stephens, Ft. Wayne, IN
Monkees: Come back to CT soon, we miss you. Also, Happy B-day Micky! Love, Caroline, Simsbury, CT
Peter Tork: Happy birthday to the cutest “instrumentalist” ever! I love you and the guys! You’re the best! Your #1 Fan. Leah Caples, Rena Lara, MS
Micky Dolenz: Happy Birthday, gorgeous! You’re the best—love ya! Kate from Milwaukee
Dear Monkees: You’re mod, sexy, gorgeous and uptight out of sight! Love ya forever! Please come back to Buffalo soon. Toni Tomasello
Hey, hey Monkees: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Forget the New Monkees, We Love You!! Faithful Fans, Trista & Shannon, PA
Morten of a-ha: You are what dreams are made of. Please bring a-ha to Albuquerque!! I will always love you and your music. Plus, I have a surprise for you! Love, Alice L.
Peter Tork: Happy Birthday sexy! I love you! Please come to New Haven, CT. 4-ever Yours, Dawn Calabrese
Corey Hart: Je t’aime beaucoup. Tu es tres magnifique. Thinking about you constantly. Please come to Tyler, TX. Avec amour intense, Lissa Domain