WOW!! Metromedia TV is swingin’ your way this fall with a one-hour color TV special that’s a must see! It’s called Music Bag, the host is Dick Clark, and the guest stars are (hold on to your hearts!) Davy Jones; Mark, Paul & the Raiders; the Grass Roots; Steppenwolf; Gladys Knight & the Pips; Merrilee Rush; and Tommy Roe!! These super-stars will perform their smash-hit singles. But wait’ll you see the rest of the fun and surprises that are in store for you!!

Darlin’ Davy Jones sings and dances to Someday Man as photos from his past flash on your TV screen! Then Davy joins Dick Clark for a take-off on Games People Play—a skit that features the entire cast of the show!
Next, center stage, the Raiders show you how they get their Kicks! A serious Mark tries to sing as Freddy, Keith, Joe, Jr. and Paul “carry on” behind him with hilarious antics that create bedlam!!
Steppenwolf perform two of their smash Dunhill singles with fantastic visual effects and far-out film featuring lead singer John Kay!

If anyone can be in two places at once, it’s the Grass Roots—who appear on stage singing Midnight Confessions and seated in the audience at the very same time!! (You’ve got to see it to believe it!)
You can take a hint from the pix of the Grass Roots. Check your local newspaper for the exact date and time that Dick Clark’s Music Bag will be aired on the Metromedia station in your home town! This is one show you won’t want to miss!!.