FLASH: Head—the Monkees’ brand new Colgems LP—is now available at your local record dealers. Don’t run—fly, fly, fly straight to the nearest store and get this groovy, long-playing album—which has the most surprising, original and beautiful cover featured on an LP in ages! When you’ve got your copy of Head safely home—turn on the stereo, put on side one, band one, and sit back and relax, cos you’re about to enjoy many happy hours of Monkee music.
The score (or “music”) part of the LP was written by Ken Thorne, an English composer. The boys’ voices you hear ad-libbing are—of course—Davy, Peter, Mike and Micky themselves; the girls’ voices you hear are some of the extras who were used in the movie, and the songs—of course—are played and sung by the Monkees themselves. Four of the brand new tunes from Head are featured here. Two of them—The Porpoise Song and As We Go Along—were printed in the December issue of 16 Magazine. Happy listenin’, happy singing—and have a ball!!