YOU—and only you—can win the whole mess of prizes we’re giving away FREE! And it’s so E-Z!!
High-ho! It’s Peter, Micky, Davy and Mike—all four of us Monkees—with a super-glitzy-groovy surprise for you!
How’dya like to win our very own clothes—in fact, the very same clothes we are wearing in this picture? Plus a great big swinging scrapbook with 100 huge, glossy Monkee pin-ups and candids in it?! If this appeals to you, then you are in the right place—namely 16’s own special “Monkee heaven.” Though we are not exactly angels, we sure dig having you here. And to show you how much we love you, we have decided to give you the clothes off our backs—along with the above-mentioned Monkee picture album! In our new movie, there is a scene before a concert in which you will see us dressed exactly as we are dressed in the picture on this page—and these are the very same clothes we want to give you!
Here is what you will get: Peter’s heavy cable-knit, off-white bulky sweater; Micky’s scrumptuous white silk “fencing” shirt with its own sewn-on ascot; Davy’s stunning silk achkan tunic; and Mike’s white “Texas gentleman” evening shirt.
Hang on, kitties—cos that’s not all you’re gonna get! We Monkees are gonna make up the most beautiful Monkee photo album in the world just for you—and to make super-sure that you know it’s especially from us, each of us will write a personal letter to you and put the letters in the picture book!
Just one lovely, lucky 16 reader will be the winner of all our Monkee clothes and our Monkee picture album—and you can be the one! All you have to do is as super-E-Z as this: just print your name, address, etc. on the coupon on this page, cut it out and mail it to the address on the coupon. Now, there’s nothin’ hard about that, is there?
All coupons will be dropped inside a barrel. The barrel will then be revolved and 16’s groovy editor, Gloria Stavers, blindfolded, will pick just one coupon from the barrel. The coupon she picks will be the grand prize-winner, and the sender of that coupon will be awarded our clothes and our picture album.
Like we said before—you can be the one and only winner of all our Monkees prizes. Just hop to it like a li’l ole bunny rabbit—grab a pen or pencil and get that coupon on its way today!