The never-before-told stories about your favorites from the gal Who PERSONALLY knows them all—ANN MOSES
Yes! The Monkees TV show has been canceled for next season. But don’t despair until you catch up on what will happening in Monkeeland next year.
I guess I was as upset as any of you over this horrible news. In fact just to make sure the rumor was true I called DAVY at home.
Was it really true? DAVY tried to calm me down. “Yes,” he told me, “the series has been canceled, but it’s not as bad as you think. We’re going to do several hour-long specials next season. We could go ahead and continue turning out 32 shows a year, but we wouldn’t be sincere about it. If we get to do several specials it will be a whole new thing with new ideas and we can get sincerely involved and excited.”
I’m really sort of glad for the MONKEES that this has happened. I hadn’t wanted to let anyone know before this, but each Monkee has let me know secretly that he was tired of doing the show. They’ve all tried hard to breathe new life in it this season, but nothing has really jelled. Their new movie should do the trick. At least from what I’ve seen on the set, the boys are now back working at their enthusiastic best.
When I saw DAVID on the set of their movie a few days ago he told me there were other plans for change within the Monkees. They are now producing their own singles and albums and they’re more excited about it than ever.
Yesterday I drove up to PHYLLIS NESMITH’S house to see how she was feeling. When I arrived she was sitting out by the pool in the afternoon sun watching CHRISTIAN romp around the yard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her looking more rested or lovely. Her hair has such shine to it that I couldn’t help but ask her what secret formula she was using. When she told me I just couldn’t believe it. I’m not going to print it in this column but if you really want to know just drop me a note c/o Ann Moses, Tiger Beat, 1800 N. Highland, Hollywood, California 90028. Be sure to put Beauty Secrets on the outside of the envelope. This way I’ll get to the letter first.
Phyllis told me that JONATHAN is a very good baby. Even better than Christian was at this point in his life. They’re such a groovy family. I always enjoy visiting them.
PAUL REVERE HAS moved back to Boise, Idaho, but this doesn’t mean the end of the RAIDERS. Paul phoned me this morning and explained that it had been his lifelong dream to live on the highest hill in Boise and he moved the family there last March.
The Raiders are definitely together, working harder than ever, and whenever it’s necessary, for business meetings, recording sessions or Happening ’68 tapings, Paul will commute to Hollywood. With all the traveling ahead, he hopes to buy his own plane and learn how to fly it himself.
SAMANTHA was up at Micky’s house the other day when I stopped by to take a few new photos. They definitely are still dating no matter what you read anywhere else. As far as I know this is it… just dating. In my opinion they’re a very groovy couple and whatever they decide to do with this ‘very serious’ romance, I wish them the best of luck as I know all you true MICKY fans do.
Most important thing in Micky’s life right now is his home. He showed me where he’s going to build his swimming pool and I’m sure once he finishes it, he won’t want to leave it ever… even to do a Monkee concert tour. By the way, I congratulated Micky on the Monkee show he directed and he was very pleased. Didn’t you all think he did a fantastic job?
My prediction for the brightest new star on TV next year is definitely DESI ARNAZ, JR. He’ll be on his mother’s show next season every Monday night on CBS-TV. In case you can’t tell by his photos, Desi is definitely a beautiful person… both inside and outside. He’s not at all conceited and has a hilarious sense of humor. It’s very hard to get a good interview from him, because he keeps me laughing constantly.
When the BEE GEES toured Germany just before summer they not only broke attendance records at most every theater they played, but their receptions from fans almost turned into catastrophies [sic].
In one city the fans got so wild they broke the barriers erected by the police and the BEE GEES had to exit by jumping over an eight-foot fence and rush for their limousine on the other side! Then the next night they were forced to spend the night at an Army base because their hotel was beseiged [sic] by fans!
JEREMY CLYDE, who is now acting on his own, had the strenuous lead in the play “BLACK COMEDY” which played in Hollywood recently. Within the storyline, when the lights go “on” on stage it signifies the lights going out in the room being staged. As a result, JEREMY stumbles over tables (as if in darkness), falls down stairs and goes through numerous acrobatics to get the idea across. As you might imagine, along with tremendous reviews, JEREMY is chalking up tremendous doctor bills!
Another group about to enter the movie-making business is the YOUNG RASCALS. They plan to do a full length feature film for Warner Brothers-Seven Arts Studio.
The story line is of a scavenger hunt—one that sends each of them to a different country. They even hope to do some shots behind the iron curtain.
Talking with drummer DINO, he wasn’t sure if they would play the YOUNG RASCALS or fictional characters. He was intent on the idea that the RASCALS come up with something new. DINO mentioned, “Like so many groups are putting out films and there’s no class in it. The only ones that put any class into pop films are the BEATLES. They’re class. We hope to do something on the same level, but in a different way, because we’re not the BEATLES.”
DO YOU SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH A STAR? One year older in June are: MIKE CLARKE of the BYRDS, the 3rd; GORDON WALLER, the 4th; PAUL McCARTNEY, the 18th; PETER ASHER, the 22nd; and BILLY HINSCHE, the 29th.
Have a soulful summer!