An Open Letter to the Monkees

Here, once again, the editors of Monkee Spectacular have found a reader’s letter that truly expresses what most Monkee fans believe.

Dear Davy, Micky, Mike and Peter,

Many have risen to fame and wealth in the same line of work by struggling and through time. But you got there by an ad issued in a newspaper sometime ago. You were lucky and got the job—it’s a blessing.

But when you first started your job, you were probably doubtful about whether or not you would be a success. And because of this attitude you worked longer and harder each day. Every day was a struggle, learning more about music, playing instruments and composing new songs. And now you’ve proved this:

“Luck may sometimes help, but work always helps.”

Oh, but even though you’ve finally pulled yourselves to success, the battle isn’t even half way over.

Now you’re the idols of many thousands of young girls, who have placed you on the top of the tallest building and worship you as though you were gods. They modify you into what they want you to be. So now in the minds of many—you are so many different kinds of people. But, by all means, don’t try to please them all, or follow along with the rest of the world. When you do this you are everyone but yourselves. And to be no one but yourself in a world which tries its hardest night and day to make you everybody else is the most difficult battle anyone can fight and keep on fighting! And isn’t fighting and struggling the thing which got you where you are today?

Also, you, no doubt, have been put down because you didn’t know much about acting or music when you first started your careers. But so many times this happens, and just “as tall trees are known by their shadows, so are good men known by their enemies.”

I, too, want to be something someday. What it is, I know not, for it is too early in my life to decide. But so far I’ve learned that success means more than one more try, and a man is a failure when he will not try again.

You have probably learned all this by now, and that much is a repetition of what you already know. But what I’m trying to say is this:

Your wounds have now begun to heal,
and the scabs of pain now peel.
But even though your hands are
calloused and scarred by climbing that rope,
don’t stop now—find new hope.
To build upon again and again
and go beyond what they call fame.
For fame and fortune can have an end.
It can disappear so quick and sudden.
But not always is there fame and wealth
in success.
Success is just doing more than your best.
So when you think you’ve reached the top—look up.
There’s a lot which can be done.
So keep climbing and never stop.

I know I said earlier that a man must follow his own life, so nothing has been hurt if you disregard this entire letter. But all the bits and pieces of advice in this letter have given me a dream of being a success in something, and I wouldn’t have taken the time to write this if I didn’t feel that you, Davy, Micky, Peter and Mike, could do more than you’ve done (which is so much) by being yourselves.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Someday a Success

[Scans by This Lovin’ Time]

Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 14
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Page: 16