AN OUTASITE monthly column by Micky’s sister COCO DOLENZ
Imagine yourself sailing on a beautiful lake. You are surrounded by sunshine, engulfed in love and having a peaceful time, when all of a sudden, you almost run head-into “two has-been sailors, who actually never were”, and a scared girl. You must not panic!!!!! For the two brave sailors are Micky and Davy. The poor unfortunate girl is yours truly. I think I had better explain how this came about.
Confusion Permalink
Micky came home to visit one weekend, and he brought along Davy. From the moment they entered the door, till they left, they continued to put on shows for us. Needless to say, when they got together, they did a fine job of busting us up every chance they got.
The day after they arrived we got busy showing Davy around, because he had only a day or two with us before he had to go. I wanted to do something different so I hoped they could do something out of the ordinary. And, believe me, they did. We ended up going sailing in a small lake near our home in Los Gatos. We wanted to get canoes, but they were all rented out. So we piled on to a sailboat, after we found a life jacket small enough for Davy.
As we were getting settled in the boat, I noticed another sailboat coming to port, and I “thought” I saw the man take an oar like thing and put it in the middle of the boat in a slot. I have never had the opportunity to do much sailing, and I confess I know nothing about the technique. So I proceeded to take ours out ready for the time that we could use it. I don’t think that was the right thing to do. For a series of incidents occurred later in the near future, that I think could have been avoided if I wouldn’t have done that.
Stuck Permalink

We got about five feet from the dock, and no more. Micky was the navigator at the beginning, Davy helped him, and I sat in front enjoying myself watching the scenery. I’d say it took us about ten minutes to get away from the dock. Nothing we did seemed to help. We just kept drifting into shore. Finally when we got out in the middle, we drifted into the opposite shore. A groovy change, huh? Then it was impossible to do anything with the boat. Micky figured we should go forward, but Davy said to go up stream, around an island, and then go forward down stream. Davy was living dangerously. We couldn’t seem to get anywhere in particular.
We just stayed in the same place and never got anywhere, until Micky thought we should get further down stream, and into a heavier current. So he jumped out of the boat, and started pulling the boat by a rope. The water was only about four feet deep, we thought. As onlookers watched, we tried our best to sail. Micky started pulling the rope and Davy started pretending he was whipping Micky, like an Egyptian slave or something, and humming that death march.
After Micky got tired of doing it, Davy was elected. This all sounds simple probably, but during these assignments, they were each yelling instructions, to one another and saying I can do it. Davy’s line was, Come on Mick, let the kid do it. Then he would giggle, as Davy does, knowing he didn’t know what he was doing either. So now it’s Davy’s turn to jump out and pull the boat. Then I did it too. Then Micky started again.
Davy sinks Permalink
We were getting nearer to our destination, when it was Davy’s turn to pull. Only one problem, the water was deeper. Davy jumped out with the end of the rope, only to sink to a six foot bottom. Since Davy is no more than 5'3" he disappeared from sight, later bobbing up, and still trying to pull the boat.
Poor Davy was sputtering and choking, trying to pull our boat to safety. But he was actually laughing. That’s why he was choking. He kept on yelling out, “I can do it”, “we’re getting there!” He tried the best he could then finally gave up. He got back in the boat fully drenched, and I helped him get dried out enough to get back to the problem at hand.
After a long hard struggle, we finally got a little accomplished. We did get around the island, only to have Davy yelling at some ducks. Micky was guiding the boat now for he seemed to have a little control. We finally got to do some good sailing.
After Micky explained a BOOB to us by a demonstration, Davy and I got almost knocked out of the boat.
Three nuts Permalink

By this time, we were the talk of the lake. “Did you see those three nuts?” seemed to be the most asked question on the lake. After we got home, we all changed, cuz we were all soaked.
Davy had to leave that night, so we went over to a friends of Sue and Cecilia’s. All my friends go over there, and Micky met them all, and we had a party. I have some fantastic friends, up here. They have made me feel so welcome. Sometimes, kids just like me because of Micky, but none of these people do. They are loyal, trustworthy and a gas to be with. Tom, one of the sweetest guys, was showing me and Micky how to do a certain dance step, while Sue and Cecilia made sure everyone had enough cola. A few of the kids wanted to talk about things with Micky, so we all ended up in a discussion on the topics of music, acting, peace and love.
Then more people came. I had the pleasure of introducing everyone. “Micky, this is Stork. We call him that cuz he’s always moving fast.” Micky tried to talk to him, but wondered where his 33 ⅓ r.p.m. button was. This guy talks really fast. Next, Mouse and Donavan came in, but no introduction was necessary, cuz they met a long time ago.
The comedy team of Jim and Mark were there, and Mark being the funny one, got jokes going. Micky thought he ought to make a career out of it.
Just then Ed turned around and said, “SURE”. Micky and Sue got into a discussion of England, cuz Sue was originally from there. Micky really liked England and hoped he could go back soon. But with all the work he’s doing he didn’t think it was possible. Well, it was getting pretty late, and Micky and I wanted to be at church the next day, so we split.
He commented on the way home that he dug my friends that he had met. “Some of those guys are unbelievable. Great people.” Micky hardly ever gets to go out when he’s in Hollywood, but up here he can. By Sunday night we were all pretty tired, so we stayed home, and Micky went over to Fan Club Headquarters, and worked. He had to get his work done before he left, and he wouldn’t leave until he did. Monday when he left, we had about fifty girls following us to the airport. Word had leaked out, and he almost missed his plane. But he made it, and the girls got to talk to him, etc… So all’s well that ends well.
What with Davy in the water, and Micky at home, it was a great weekend. I hope he can come up soon, but he told me he has lots of recording to do, and now they are putting a pool in his yard, and, of course, Micky has to be there supervising, and taking pictures. He also has to finish a secret project. And no one knows what it is. He won’t even tell me.
Think what you do, then do what you think. Peace!