How the Fans Feel About Micky’s New Hairstyle

Micky Dolenz

In the December issue of Tiger Beat, we ran a feature on Micky’s new hair style. There was such a big reaction, we decided to let you know how your fellow Monkee fans felt, so some of the letters have been printed below:

Now that you’ve gone this far, why don’t you dye your hair blond and wear it in ringlets and they might even elect you Senator or maybe even President!

Wolf Point, Mont.

So many girls have written in about Micky’s hair. They say they don’t like it curly. I’d like his hair if it was psychedelic. It’s not the hair, it’s what’s under it. I love you Micky (and your hair)!!

South Bend, Ind.

I like Micky’s hair the way it is now. If it’s easier and less painful for him, then it’s better this way. I’m crazy over Micky and it doesn’t matter what his hair is like, even if he was bald, because I like him for himself, not his hair.

Valatine, Ill.

Personality counts and not looks, but please comb out those curls!

Temple, Calif.

I liked your hair best last season, but if it is so much trouble, why don’t you wear a large hat?

Rossville, Ill.

This is just to let everyone know that everyone in our state thinks that Micky Dolenz is a big Dink! His hair is dumb looking and he looks like a big hippie! He has no taste in clothes anymore. His success has gone to his head and he is losing all his fans. Cut it out Micky!

Manchester, N.H.

Micky Dolenz

All I want to say is that I love Tiger Beat, but most of all I love that fantastic picture of Micky on the front cover of December’s Tiger Beat!

Don’t let anyone say his hair is wrong. I love it natural. He has such a mysterious quality of (maybe) mischief in his eyes and the hair just goes right along with it. Micky, where’d you get that great look? I love you even more for it. Don’t ever go back to what you were before. I love to see you so natural, curly hair and all!

Azle, Texas

Why is everyone always knocking Micky’s hair. I think it looks great curly. Me (and many, many others) agree that Micky just wouldn’t be the same with straight hair like it was before. To me his hair fits his personality… WILD!

A true Micky fan
Boulder, Colo.

I think that Micky’s hair looks terrible. It looks like he stuck his finger in a wall plug.

Los Angeles, Calif.

It’s not a person’s looks that count, it’s his personality. I don’t really like Micky’s hair the way it is now—he ruined his gorgeous baby face. I know he’s too busy to have it straightened, though. I feel that, deep inside Micky, there is a wonderful, sincere and fun-to-be-with guy. He cares very much for us fans, he is very understanding and can be very serious at times. Is he a clown or idol? He’s my idol, by far—his jokes and clown acts are very much a part of his personality, as he is a part of my whole life! Someday I plan to meet this wonderful guy, but until then, I’ll live on cloud number nine.

Sincere Micky Lover
Westfield, N.J.

I’ll admit when I first saw you with your hair flying in all different directions I about fainted. I didn’t like it—that’s for sure! But then I read that article in Tiger Beat and I think that people should be themselves at all times. If you act yourself, you’re comfortable, right? So, if you feel comfortable with your latest hair style, I say keep it that way. The way I see it, you groovy Monkees are knocking yourselves out to please us (your fans). If we can’t accept you the way you dress, wear your hair, etc., then we’re not really fans, are we?

Chicago, Ill.

I just want everyone to know I like Micky’s hair better with all those cute little curls over his cute little head!

Catherine Henry
Buttonwillow, Calif.

Please tell Micky I think his curly hair looks great! To tell the truth, I didn’t like it when I saw it at first, but now I’m used to it. I was looking through some old Tiger Beats and I saw you with straight hair and felt something was missing. In my opinion, your natural hair style gives more friendliness and warmth and it was the first time for me to think that your hair is soft and thin. Please keep your natural looking!

Westmount, Quebec

Magazine: Tiger Beat
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 3
Issue: 7
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Company
Pages: 24–25