My God. What’s next for those ever-loving Monkees. They’ve been cowboys, Indians, firemen, scientists, musicians, doctors… and now they’re HELL’S ANGELS, WILD ANGELS! It certainly was a shock for the guys at HULLABALOO when we motored out to the Screen Gems lot and found Davy, Micky, Peter, and Mike all decked out in those ferocious-looking, black leather motorcycle get-ups. To think that just a few months ago, they were the lovable old Monkees, newest stars on the pop horizon—never a frown, never a nasty word. But now… black leather, spikes, two-inch-thick garrison belts. It was almost too much to take. That is, until we learned that they were dressed up for the shooting of their next TV show. Really, though, we knew all along—even if they were dressed up all mean and everything—that they’d always be the lovable old Monkees.
Info “Watch out, folks, we’re the roughest, toughest, most orneriest, meanest, nastiest, bloodcurdlingest, downright grizzliest bunch of motorcycling hombres this side of the Mississippi!” Info “Those big motorcycles scare me. Let me start out on this—I think it’s more my size—and then when I get used to riding a little, maybe I can…” Info “Jeez, all these cars around here make it hard for a guy to navigate his bike!” Info “Look, I’ll trade you a guitar, six of my autographs, my pet frog, and six packs of Monkee bubble gum cards for your motorcycle and that flag.” Info “Oh, no! Not another run-through of that same scene! We’ve done it 111 times! Come on, guys, can’t you remember to keep some film in the camera?” Info “Gee, parents just aren’t fair anymore. I wish they’d give me back the darn key so that I could go riding with the rest of the guys.” Info “Here’s my plan. We’ll move right into town on the main road. Real nice and easy. Then, we’ll park our bikes at the saloon, and amble on in there. Then, we’ll order our milkshakes and if we don’t get what we want, we’ll rough ’em up a little.” Info “Hey, Peter, do you have a pen? This girl wants me to autograph her leg.” Info “I met this really neat girl… so I told her I’m Peter Tork… of the Monkees… and she said, ‘Who are the Monkees?”‘ Info “Hey! What was that? Who said that? Who’s the wise guy that called me skinny?” Info “Hey, look. My watch says quarter of four. Don’t you think it’s time we eat? I’m hungry.” Info “I better step on it. If I’m late for another shooting, they’ll really kill me. They’ve already taken away my allowance and my collection of Elvis Presley picture postcards.” Info “I better step on it. If I’m later for dinner, Phyllis will kill me. Last night, she made me do all the dishes!” Info “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” Info “…Who’s the cutest of them all?” Info “Hee, hee, hee. Take my bike away, will they? I’ll get even. I’ll hit one of those meanies with this here egg.” Info “…And, for my next number, I think I’ll do ‘My Country Tis of Thee’!” Info “All right, you old people. This town isn’t big enough for all of us. We’re givin’ you till sundown to get outa here. Ya understand?”