Best Television Actor (Tie): Sajid Khan & Jay North Best Dramatic Movie Actress: Lulu Best Musical Movie Actor: Sonny Bono Best Musical Movie Actress: Cher Bono Best Television Actress: Sally Field Best Daytime Television Show: “American Bandstand” Best Female Singer: Aretha Franklin Most Promising Male Singer: Chris Crosby Most Promising Female Singer: Bobbie Gentry Most Promising Group: The Bee Gees Best Male LP: “Mellow Yellow” Best Female LP: “Aretha Arrives” Best Group LP (Tie): “Doors”, “Groovin’” Outstanding Album of the Year: “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” Deejay of the Year: Tom Moffat, KPOI Hawaii Outstanding Achievement of the Year: The Smothers Brothers
Info Golden Galaxy Award “Star of the Year”: Davy Jones