They’re amazing—they’re blazing! You’ll need sunglasses to keep from squinting at these fantasmagorical photos! So get set for some eye-openers!!!
Get a load of Herm all dressed up in a count’s costume. He almost looks like a French noble!

Those are The Beatles, of course, but they sure look different! Paul’s shaved off his mustache and Ringo’s side-burns are extra-long! Just dig John’s ruffled shirt, fur-lined coat and hanging jewelry—Wow! And George is beardless again!
Paul, that’s not funny! You boys are playing with fire! And poor Fang is getting the “hot” seat!

The Mamas and The Papas are all lined up in a row—looking calm and collected! But where-oh-where is Mama Cass’ arm??
Click goes the camera! Mike Magoo’s having a good time taking pictures from group’s plane!
“Peek-a-boo, we see you,” say the smiling boys! There isn’t much doubt about it—they’re Every Mothers’ Son, natch!!
Spoonful man Steve Boone’s a patriotic sight in his frame! ’n dig that crazy eagle with him!
Looks like Sonny made a new friend. Guess the pooch goes for his crazy-wild mod gear!