Info Info Info With a fake beard, Davy plays a scene behind a pillow for the TV show. What really happened? No one exactly knows, but Davy looks happy. He doesn’t like wearing beards, either real or fake. When the Monkees had beards a few months back, Davy was the only one who didn’t grow one. He says it makes his face too itchy. Info Who’s tired? Mike and Davy, that’s who! There never seems to be enough hours in the day for a Monkee to get his needed rest. But as Micky says, “It’s so much fun being a Monkee that I don’t like to sleep much because I might miss something!” Davy has tremendous energy and needs very little sleep. Peter’s a night owl, too, but Mike keeps more regular hours. Info [Above], girl in Raider hat gets Davy’s autograph while Micky looks on. The Monkees don’t seem to mind it if their fans also like other groups.
Foto Fun
Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 7
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Page: 58