Last month I warned you to watch for a fab new column here in your fave FIFTEEN. Well, here it is, and it’s more than I even told you it would be!
We’re sick and tired of all the lies people tell about the popular faves in show business, and starting right here and now, we’re going to put a STOP to those lies! On this very page every month from now on, all your faves will answer YOUR questions openly and honestly and in their OWN WORDS! No other magazine DARES to permit this to happen!
If you want to get the TRUTH about something, write to THE TRUTH, FIFTEEN Magazine, 8383 Sunset Strip, Hollywood, California 90069. Your fave star will answer your question PERSONALLY on this page. And if it takes a little time before your question is answered, pleez be patient. Keep watching your fave FIFTEEN each and every month because sooner or later ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED!
Now on to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from the mouth and lips of all the grooves U luv!
To Mike Nesmith:
How come you always wear that funny wool hat? Do you have a rash from it?
Jenelle Hester
Daytona Beach, Fla.
DEAR JENELLE: Hardly! And say, you must be watching the summer reruns, because actually I haven’t worn that hat for a couple months now.
Best always, Mike
To the Jefferson Airplane:
How did you arrive at the name Jefferson Airplane for your group?
Kathy Nolan
New Orleans, La.
DEAR KATHY: Well, we took the last name of the first president of the U.S., then added THAT to the last name of what Henry Ford first made that lasted, then… Not really, luv! It just happened that way!
Yours Truly, the Jefferson Airplane
To Mark Lindsay:
Are you really haunted NOT by the girls you know, but by all the girls you don’t know?
Abie Pierce
Nashville, Tenn.
DEAR ABIE: It’s true, luv! I want so much to meet ALL the wonderful girls in the world, and I know I’ll never be able to!
Best, Mark
To George Harrison:
It is true that you took sitar lessons from Ravi Shankar?
Beth Knowles,
Kansas City, Mo.
DEAR BETH: Yes, it is! And what a privilege that was, luv! He’s the greatest!
Sitarnly Yours, George
To the Monkees:
Is it true that your TV series is copied from the Beatles?
Jane Windsor,
Bradford, Pa.
DEAR JANE: Speaking for the Monkeys [sic] I can say definitely not! If they take after anybody, it would probably be the Marx Brothers! They were the beginning of zany, no-plot comedy!
To Twiggy:
Is it a fact that you can get into your T-shirt from either end?
Bill Epley,
Akron, Ohio
DEAR BILL: You surely jest! But I will say my pyjammas have only one stripe!
Cherrio, Twiggy
To Peter Tork:
It is true that you lived in Berlin, and can speak fluent German?
Bonnie Talbert,
Albany, N.Y.
DEAR BONNIE: Ya, es ist wahr! Ich kann gut deutsch sprechen!
Lieb, “Tork”
To Sonny and Cher:
I loved your movie, Good Times. Will you be making another?
Jody Prescott,
Phoenix, Ariz.
DEAR JODY: Glad you enjoyed our flick! Yes, we will, but the date hasn’t been fixed yet.
Yours, Sonny and Cher
To Ringo Starr:
Are you REALLY for REAL?
Bobbi Goddard,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
DEAR BOBBI: Well, I dunno! I mean my mum always asked that too!
Probably yours, Ringo
To Paul Revere:
Why do you keep getting rif [sic] of groovy Raider after groovy Raider?
Pauline Nestley
Montgomery, Ala.
DEAR PAULINE: The truth is, I don’t! All the ex-Raiders are still my friends. It’s just that they wanted to try going it alone for a while!