Twenty-Four Hours in the Day of a Monkee

Here’s an intimate description of what a typical day is like in the lives of Micky, Davy, Mike and Peter. Read on and see how your own life compares!

Peter Tork

6:30 Alarm goes off. Shower and shave.

6:45 Eat breakfast: Birchermuesli, (a cold cereal made of oatmeal, nuts and fruits), with milk and honey. Take vitamins.

7:10 Get book I’m going to read today.

7:15 Leave for the studio.

7:35 Arrive in Makeup. Get hair done.

8:00 Get costume from wardrobe.

8:15 Arrive on the set. Stand and read book while everyone is getting the set ready.

9:00 First take. No good.

9:30 Go to dressing room while script is being rewritten. Read book.

10:15 Go back to set. Talk to Ann Moses until time to film again.

10:30 Filming begins.

1:00 Change clothes. Go to restaurant for lunch.

2:00 Change into costume. Have makeup repaired and hair combed. Back to set.

2:20 Start filming.

Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith

4:00 Nothing happening. Go to dressing room. Play classical music on organ.

4:20 Filming begins again. Very good this afternoon.

7:15 Work over for the day. Change out of costume and take makeup off.

7:30 Leave for restaurant to eat dinner.

8:05 Go to gas station for gas. Give autograph to attendant for his little sister.

8:15 Go to folk club. It’s amateur night, which means that any one in the audience can get up and play or sing during the evening. I usually sing the folk songs I did when I lived Greenwich Village.

11:30 Leave folk club, drive home.

11:50 Drive into driveway, check mail box.

11:55 Set alarm for 6:30, undress.

12:00 Bed.

Mike Nesmith

6:00 Sun comes up. Get up. Say hello to Christian while Phyllis goes down to fix breakfast.

6:10 Shower and shave. Talk to Christian who’s blocking the door.

6:30 Take vitamins with orange juice.

6:35 Eat Phyllis’ breakfast.

7:00 Pat Christian on head, kiss Phyllis goodbye, say goodbye to Spotte and Fraak.

7:05 Back car out of driveway. Begin drive to the studio.

7:30 Arrive at Screen Gems. Park car. Have coffee and donut while makeup being applied.

7:50 Go to hairdresser.

8:15 Get costume for the day from wardrobe.

8:30 Report to the studio busses. Shooting on location today. Say hello to Peter, Micky and Davy. Shake Peter gently while saying hello the second time—he’s almost asleep!

9:00 Arrive on location. Pile out of busses, retrieve script which Micky is busily making into paper airplanes…

9:20 Sit around while lights are adjusted. Work on song that I’m writing. Watch John London standing under the lights.

10:00 Shooting begins. Romp sequence. Do anything that comes into any of our heads.

10:35 Costume gets torn. Wait for seamstress to repair it. While waiting, work on song again. Peter reads his book of the day. Davy works on a song. Micky clowns with some of the extras.

10:55 Costume repaired. Resume filming.

11:20 Script change. Another wait. Everybody sits around talking while changing the script.

1:00 Lunch break. Eat commissary food since we’re on location. Not as good as Phyllis’ lunches at home.

2:00 Back to filming.

2:10 Scratch hand on sharp wire. Stop filming for first aid.

2:25 Get hand bandaged. Hide hand behind back when filming.

2:40 Bad take. Forgot to hide bandage. Try all over again.

3:00 Good take.

6:30 Get onto busses for trip back to studio. Fall asleep on seat. Trip takes longer going home—freeway traffic during rush hour.

7:20 Arrive at studio. Tiredly tissue off makeup. Change clothes.

7:30 Back out of parking space. Start trip home.

8:00 Arrive home. Eat dinner. Pork chops, potatoes and salad. Say good night to Christian.

8:30 Listen to stereo while working on song.

11:15 Get ready for bed.

11:30 Go to bed. Sweet dreams.

Davy Jones

12:15 the night before. Tell myself I’m going to get up at seven the next morning.

7:00 Wake up, shower and eat breakfast.

7:40 Put several different shirts and pairs of pants in the car for the photo session.

7:45 Leave for photo session with Bob Custer. Drive to his house.

8:05 Arrive at Bob Custer’s. Help him bring cameras and lights to car.

8:20 Drive to photo location, a groovy house.

8:45 Arrive at location. Take clothes and cameras out of car.

9:00 Change into first costume while Bob sets up equipment.

9:30 Equipment set up, lights adjusted. Take first three rolls of film while moving from place to place in the house.

Davy Jones, Peter Tork

10:15 Change clothes, take another couple of rolls of film.

10:50 Oh, no. Here comes the 500 watt bulb. Blot perspiration off face. Try to suffer through extreme heat. Bob takes several pictures in a hurry. I start to fall over from the heat.

11:10 Drink two glasses of water.

11:15 Change costume again. Take more pictures.

2:00 Photo session finally done. Change into street clothes. Load GTO with cameras and clothes.

2:30 Arrive at Bob Custer’s house. Take cameras into house. Listen to music while he works in the darkroom.

3:00 Start writing letters to my family in England.

4:00 Bob comes out of the darkroom. Talk for awhile. He goes back into darkroom. I listen to more music and write more letters. It’s good being quiet for a little while.

5:00 Leave Bob Custer’s house. Drive to store. Buy steak, potatoes, salad makings for dinner. Get recognized in store. Sign autographs.

5:45 Arrive home. Unload clothes and food. Put steak on the fire.

6:00 Prepare potatoes for chips. Cut up salad things.

6:30 My friends arrive. Turn on the color TV for them while finishing dinner preparation.

6:40 Everybody eats while watching TV.

7:15 Put dishes in dishwasher. Go to living room to watch TV.

11:30 My friends leave. Straighten living room. Get ready for bed.

11:45 To bed. Tell myself to get up at six—it’s a day at the studio.

12:00 Goodnight everybody.

Micky Dolenz

6:45 Alarm goes off. Wake up.

6:50 Fix breakfast: chili and a malt.

7:10 Dress quickly, it looks like I’m going to be late.

7:15 Leave for the studio.

7:40 Arrive at Screen Gems. Go to make up. Hairdresser frets: my hair isn’t turning out like she wants it to because I won’t sit still.

8:10 Get costume from wardrobe. Clown around until I get the feel of it.

8:30 Go to the set. Say hello to Ann Moses. Start filming.

10:00 They’re changing the script. Nothing happening. Go to dressroom, followed by Ann Moses. Tell her what’s happened in the last twenty-four hours.

10:35 Back to set. Start filming.

1:00 Lunch time. Go to dressing room, eat chili and a malt. Share some with Ann Moses while telling her more intimate goodies.

2:00 Supposed to be back on the set but the interview is too interesting. Continue interview.

2:15 Loud pounding on door. Have to go back to the set. Take Ann Moses with me.

2:20 Makeup man checks makeup, repairs it. Hairdresser almost crying. Recombs hair, sprays it, and I’m off again. I hear the hairdresser complaining that her boss will think she combed my hair this way.

2:40 Begin filming.

3:10 Nothing interesting happening. Climb on catwalk and start clowning. See hairdresser in tears. Climb down again and let her fix hair. She starts to smile. I’m off again.

7:10 Filming is over for the day. Rush to dressing room to remove makeup and costume.

7:30 Drive to restaurant on the way to the recording studios. Have dinner. You guessed it—chili and a malt. (I don’t get tired of them, honest!)

8:10 Arrive at the recording studios. Say hello to Chip Douglas, our producer, and the engineers. I’m the first one here. Clown around a bit while they’re playing last night’s tapes. Dance around—oops! Almost kicked in a drum. Better watch it.

8:20 Davy and Peter arrive. Mike’s still home eating Phyllis’ home-cooked dinner.

8:20 Davy, Peter and I work on the arrangement of the first song.

8:35 Mike arrives looking happy and well-fed—Phyllis must have had her usual excellent dinner tonight. Wish I could eat with them every night but for some reason Phyllis objects to fixing chili whenever I come over! I can’t understand it, her home-cooked chili, Texas style, is so good!

9:00 We record the first take. OK, for a first take, but not what we want.

9:10 We record a second take, changing the arrangement a bit.

9:15 Not exactly right yet. We record a third take.

10:20 We record take eight. Now it’s the way we want it.

10:35 We start to work on the second song.

10:50 We record take one, start clowning around in the middle of it. We like the clowning, but we forget the lines! Start all over.

11:15 We record again and leave the clowning in.

12:05 A good take.

12:10 We’re pretty tired. We split from the studios.

12:15 Say good morning to everybody.

12:30 Arrive home, rush to bed. 6:30 is going to come very soon.

Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 6
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Pages: 22–25