Danger! They’re sizzling—but oh, so delicious! Feast your eyes on them!
The gambling fever’s got to Herman! He lays his money down and hopes for the best! A winner!!!
Paul McCartney shares a secret with folk-singer Judy Felix! As they put their heads together, we wish we could stick ours in between, hey?
With that shirt and that wind-blown hair, Mike Smith looks a bit like someone out of a flying saucer! Still, he’s pretty cute!
Some people can sleep any time and any place! This is Ronnie Magoo, taking a cat nap while flying to a show!
Cher’s best friend meets man’s best friend—and it’s love at first sight! As for Sonny’s clothes—WOW!
Togetherness at work! Mama Cass (wearing a carpet?) rests on Papa Denny’s shoulder! Don’t fall asleep!
Every Mothers’ Son is all smiles! And why not! Every mothers’ daughter wants to give them the biggest hugs and kisses there are!