What are your girl friends like?
“My girl friends are usually very quiet, because I like to talk a lot and I need someone who will listen. They’re always pretty intelligent. I don’t like a girl to be too independent—I like the feeling of her depending on me. I’m usually attracted to blondes—their hair gives them a very soft look, which is groovy. That’s sort of what my girl friends are like. My current one is also very beautiful, I think.”
What do you want to do when The Monkees break up?
“I’ve given a lot of thought to what I’ll do when I’m not a Monkee anymore. Having been in a series before, I realized how quickly one can go off the air. I like to think that we’ll be recording and performing as The Monkees even if the show should go off in the next year or two. We’re really a group now and I think we all want to stay together for a while. But after that’s through, I’ll probably drop music except as a pastime and concentrate on acting. I don’t have much desire to be a serious actor, although it seems like all comedians try to do something deep once in their career. I’d like to have my own television show like Danny Kaye or Dean Martin, where I could do all kinds of things, funny skits, some singing and dancing and talking with the performers. I’d have all my friends on the show and every once in a while, I’d try to have a Monkee Reunion and we’d all get together and reminisce and bore everyone. Then I want to go into movies and try directing and producing and maybe even writing. Speaking of writing, I’d like to try to do a Monkee script myself.”

Have you written any more songs?
“I haven’t done any songwriting recently for several reasons. First off, it takes time, which we don’t have a lot of! Then, I’ve kind of lost interest in it. It’s not easy for me to write them and I don’t have the perserverence [sic] to keep working on one till it’s finished. And what with Mike writing and us getting really groovy songs from other composers, there’s not much need for me to do any myself.”
What are your friends like and how did you meet them?
“Most of my friends are the same people I knew when I was going to college. The ones I made when I was doing “Circus Boy,” I’ve sorta grown apart from, although they’ll visit me on the set and it’s groovy to see them again. They all have good senses of humor, which is really essential, since I need a good audience! No, really, I like people who can understand my jokes and give some back to me. They live in Hollywood or in the San Fernando Valley, where I used to live. I think that the really close friends that you keep for a long time, you usually make in college. I mean, don’t want to sound philosophical or anything, but that seems to be the case with people I know. It’s that when you’re in college, you have a better idea of what your real interests are and you form many of your opinions then. Since there are usually a lot more people in your college than in your high school, you’re more likely to find people with similar interests, rather than someone you can walk to school with.”