Micky—“When I Monkee Around…”

Micky Dolenz
Info Are you in pain, friend? Did you swallow a toothbrush? Or is someone’s foot on your hand? What’s turning you on, Micky?!

What makes Micky flip, flap, flop and generally “kid around?” It’s all right here—every little bit, too!

… “I do anything that I feel like doing. Once, when I was being interviewed by a LOOK magazine reporter I thought the interview was getting a bit draggy! So I just ran right up to him and gave him a big wet kiss—right on the back of his neck! It perked things up a bit!”

… “I play with my toys! They’re not just for kids, you know. They’re for Monkees, too! My favorite toys are my erector set and my tinker toys. You wouldn’t believe what you can build with them!”

… “I sometimes take my dog with me. Sometimes, I even switch identities with him—so no one will recognize us. For example, I’ll put my glasses (I’m very near-sighted, by the way) on YOU, and put his collar on me. I can’t see very well without my glasses, so I let YOU lead me around. But sometimes people ask YOU for his autograph—they think he’s me. Of course, it is confusing!”

… “I take people on motor cycle rides (all of us were given 450 c.c. motor bikes by Honda) and I get a little carried away by the wind breezing by. It’s not really that I go that fast, but sometimes people fall off—into the dirt! I really don’t understand why it happens, and then people don’t want to ride with me again! Why don’t they blame it on the wind?”

… “I pretend I’m other people. For example, I love to go camping out. I’m the outdoors type. I hunt, water-ski, and even climb mountains. Well, when I’m doing these kinds of things I couldn’t possibly be myself. So, I pretend that I’m Tarzan, or a great Olympic star, or sometimes even Cochice—the great Indian Chief. It gives me a feeling of belonging—wherever I am!”

… “I play on my drums. Drums are a lot of fun, you know! Well, I guess you don’t know—unless you have drums. I have three sets, and I love them all equally!”

… “I shoot paper planes at girls who have sky-high hairdos. I think that they make girls look really bad! Well, a girl couldn’t look really bad, but sort-of bad, anyway!”

… “I draw. It’s a creative release, you see! Actually I studied architectural drawing. Now, whenever the mood hits me—I pull out the old paper and pencil!”

… “I sometimes do terrible things. Once I pulled a whopper of a practical joke on my younger sister Coco. I called her up, pretending to be some boy she liked, and asked her for a date. She was pretty upset when he didn’t show—I felt so bad, I took her out to dinner!”

… “I take pictures! I’m a real camera bug. I’ve got a real sharp Pentax with two lenses. I go absolutely wild with the crazy toy. I take pictures of anything and everything in sight!”

… “I eat apples. I love apples. I know I should eat bananas, ’cause I’m a Monkee, but I like apples better!”

… “I race my car. (It’s a new Pontiac GTO.) That can almost be as funny as when I drive my motor cycle, except that no one ever falls out into the dirt! I don’t know why!”

… “I tease my hair way up and don’t bother to comb it down. I have a lot of hair, in case you’ve never noticed. Then I go to the nearest hospital and tell them that “Doctor Zorba” is reporting to work! If they get annoyed, I just ask to see Ben Casey—then everything is just fine!”

Micky Dolenz

Originally named: George Michael Dolenz, Jr.
Birthday: March 8, 1945
Birthplace: Los Angeles, Calif.
Present residence: Apartment in Hollywood, California
Father’s occupation: An actor
Former occupation: Has been in show business since the age of 3
Sisters: Three younger sisters: Coco, 19, Debbie, 12, & Gina, 8 (Coco was 18; Debbie was 8; Gina was 6)
Brothers: None
Pets: A German Shepherd puppy—named You
Schools Attended: Grant High School, Valley College, Los Angeles Technical Trade School
Army status: None
Marital status: Single
Height: 6' tall
Weight: 135 lbs.
Characterizing marks or features: Wears glasses
Hair: Thick and brown
Eyes: Brown
Neck size: 14 ½"
Sweater size: 38 or large
Sleeve size: 33"
Glove size: 8 ½
Waist size: 26"
Slack size: 29/33 (Meaning 33" in length & 29" waist.)
Sock size: 10
Shoe size: 8 ½

My eyes are usually crossed—purposely, I might add!

Sometimes, my hands are scratched… from my dog! Then I hide them!

Trim-waisted, that’s me! But try to span my waist with your hands!

I could use a few pounds… I’m not what you’d call chunky!

I like shoes, I have a lot of pairs in my closet!

Magazine: Teen World
Editor: Elaine Moss
Volume: 10
Issue: 5
Publisher: Reese Publishing Company, Inc.
Pages: 20–21