24 of the very greatest, coolest, grooviest sounds ever can belong to you!
Count them! Play them! Keep them! They’re all yours, if you’re the winner of this groovy contest. That’s right! You can win two dozen smashing new records—your favs!
It’s easy as pie to win! All you have to do is be able to rhyme correctly. In the coupon are six words which rhyme with the names of your very fav stars or groups. For example—The Words? Simple enough—it rhymes with The Byrds! That’s all there is to it!
Write your answer in the space next to your rhyme clue! Then fill in the rest of the coupon and send it to TWO DOZEN DISCS CONTEST, TEEN WORLD, 201 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. All ties will be put into the TW contest barrel, and only one winner will be chosen.
So hurry and enter ’cause this contest closes June 30. And you’ll want to be the lucky gal who wins those great discs!
- The Logs
- The Donkeys
- Serman
- The Phones
- The Talkers
- Lingo