High again. Just got this scoop from THE LEFT BANKE’S press agent. There appears to be a little more dissension in the group (they had broken up once before) and this time it’s serious.
Of the original LEFT BANKE, (STEVE MARTIN, GEORGE CAMERON, TOM FINN, RICK BRAND, and MIKE BROWN), the first four decided that they were dissatisfied with their manager, HARRY LOOKOFSKY, who just-so-happens to be MIKE’S father. After consulting their attorneys, they were advised to break their contract with LOOKOFSKY. I know, personally, how difficult LOOKOFSKY can be. He accompanied his group on their interview with me some months ago when “Renee” was up on the charts. The whole time he would interfere when I got into some probing questions, afraid they would be printed and thus reflect poorly on his group. So, I had to ask him to leave. He didn’t like that. Anyway, their press agent has informed me that STEVE, GEORGE, TOM and RICK broke their contract with LOOKOFSKY. Mike, naturally, was in a rough position and ended up siding with his father.
The four original members and EMMETT LAKE, who, salaried by MIKE BROWN (LOOKOFSKY), replaced MICHAEL on harpsichord when MIKE decided to go “inactive” over a month ago, are continuing to tour under the name of THE LEFT BANKE. At the same time, MICHAEL and his father have decided that they own the name of the group and have formed a new “LEFT BANKE” with five new and unknown members. MIKE, himself, will not be a member of this group, though he will direct its activities.
There will be a lawsuit shortly, in which the rights to the name—“LEFT BANKE”—will be decided. Since prior usage determines the rights to a name, we expect that the original group will win. If not, I will let you know next month the new name of the original four (STEVE, TOM, GEORGE and RICK) who, as you know, are the sound of the LEFT BANKE.
Regardless of the name dispute, the original group, I am sure, will continue to put out records equal to or better than “Renee” and “Ballerina.” They have been offered management and production by some of the most powerful names in the industry.
Confusing? It sure is, and it’s a shame this all had to happen to such a fine-sounding group. I really hope they work out. Check here next column for the latest news . . .
Well they’re finally in. The results of “The Album of the Year” contest started in this column in the March edition of HULLABALOO. We’re sorry we had to wait so long to bring you these results, but we needed more time to count them because of the volume of mail. Here they are:
Position | Name of LP | Name of group | No. of votes |
1 | “Revolver” | THE BEATLES | 18,520 |
2 | “The Monkees” | THE MONKEES | 14,015 |
3 | “Big Hits (High Tide & Green Grass)” | THE STONES | 11,532 |
4 | “If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears” | THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS | 5,409 |
5 | “Pet Sounds” | THE BEACH BOYS | 1,531 |
. . . Did you know that DAVY JONES has formed his own record label, DAVY JONES RECORDS? The first artist he has signed is singer VINNIE BASILE. Speaking of DAVY, it is very unlikely he will be drafted after all. His father depends on him for his support, so that should eliminate him . . .
. . . Former YARDBIRD JEFF BECK’S debut on THE SMALL FACES–ROY ORBISON tour in England was quite a fiasco. He blames it on lack of rehearsal time, amps blowing, etc. Meanwhile, THE YARDBIRDS are preparing for their fifth American tour. They will be playing major state fairs and holiday resorts from July 14–September 1 . . . You can expect a new addition to their act—Buddhist prayer candles, of all things . . .
. . . THE YOUNG RASCALS “Groovin’” groovy . . . BOBBY ELLIOTT, THE HOLLIES’ drummer had a relapse recently. He was taken ill with peritonitis in Germany previously. He will most likely be laid up for six months, which means he won’t make their U.S. tour . . . The NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL to last for a whole week this year. It will run from July 10 to Sunday evening July 16 . . . Since August 16, 1966, THE MOKEES have sold more than 6,000,000 albums and nearly 6,000,000 singles in the United States alone . . . THE ROLLING STONES have sold more than 10,000,000 singles and 8,000,000 albums since 1965 . . . and the peerless BEATLES have a total world sales figure now standing at 180,000,000 records. To date, THE BEATLES’ first single “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” which was released in the U.S. in December 1963, has sold more than 4,500,000 copies. Their first album, “Meet the Beatles,” is currently approaching the 5,000,000 mark in sales . . .
. . . JOHN PETERSEN, former BEAU BRUMMELS drummer, is now beating the skins for HARPERS BIZARRE . . .
. . . Really dig DAVE CLARK’S short flick: “The Dave Clark Five Hits in Action.” Wish I could dig their music as much . . .
. . . Can’t wait ’till “The Stax-Volt Revue—The Memphis Sound” tours this country. They just toured Europe where they blew everyone’s minds there. “They” (members of the revue) consist of some of the cream of the R. & B. soul crop from Memphis. The [sic] are: OTIS REDDING, SAM & DAVE, EDDIE FLOYD, BOOKER T & THE MG’s, THE MARKEYS, SHARON TANDY and CARLA THOMAS. How does that line-up sock it to you? . . .
. . . Looking forward to the debut of STEVIE WINWOOD’S new group this fall. He used to be with SPENCER DAVIS—remember? The new group is holed up in STEVIE’S cottage in England, and after the promised six-months of writing and rehearsing, they will make their entree . . . Should be worth waiting for . . .
. . . THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION, who opened a 10-day series of concerts at the GARRICK THEATER in Greenwich Village, have met with such overwhelming response to their different brand of fun and games that they have reached an agreement with the theater to stay on through Sept. 4 (Labor Day) 1967 . . .
. . . Went to another blast at the home of MARVIN SCHLACTER, who is the president of SCEPTER-WAND records. This party was in CHUCK JACKSON’S honor. He is one guy whose singing I dig very much. In an era when professionalism in show business is at its lowest ebb, CHUCK JACKSON is the very personification of the all-around entertainer. His ability to sing any kind of song from a blues’ ballad to a driving rocker or a hot jazz vocal, his skill as a performer and his ability as a dancer all mark him a real “pro.” Certainly there have been few popular singers who can deliver as varied a songbook as CHUCK JACKSON . . .
. . . Looking forward to seeing JUDY COLLINS at Forest Hills June 24 and Central Park Music Festival July 21 . . .
. . . Was really impressed by a local group called THE ILLUSION at UNGANO’S here in New York a while ago. They have this unique individual sound that distinguishes them from most of the run-of-the-mill groups floating around. I especially like their close-knit, smooth harmonizing. They are well diversified, too. Their range includes the standards, rhythm and blues, rock and even jazz—at the right moments. Dig them, if you can . . .
. . . THE BLUES MAGOOS getting beaucoup gelt for one-nighters and locations now that their Mercury LP’s and singles are top-drawer items . . .
. . . Talked to MARY ANN GANSER (SHANGRI-LAS) at STEVE PAUL’S THE SCENE last week. We were there to see the return engagement of THE RASCALS and she told me of a very funny incident that happened to them when THE SHANGRI-LAS were first starting out in show business:
“We had a break-in date at a small club in Manhattan. Nervous? Would you believe scared to death? When the owner rapped on our door and shouted, ‘you’re on!’ we raced for the stage. In my haste, I had forgotten the slacks to my outfit and needless to say the audience roared. Quite a debut!” . . .
. . . Well, the YARDBIRDS may have added Buddhist prayer candies to their act, but THE BLUES MAGOOS have gone them one better. They have 2 four-foot “Psychedelites.” They are decorative lamps filled with lava and fluids that are constantly changing into every shape imaginable . . .
. . . THE SOPWITH CAMEL are gigging on the coast now, and still working on their album. The cover is being designed by VICTOR MOSCOSO, the groovy poster designer from San Francisco . . .
. . . JAMES HENDRICKS, leader of THE LAMP OF CHILDHOOD, used to be with the BIG THREE along with MAMA CASS & TIM ROSE. When that group disbanded, he joined MAMA CASS, PAPA DENNY, and SPOONFUL ZALLY in THE MUGWUMPS. The name THE LAMP OF CHILDHOOD comes from a song by the late RICHARD FARINA who, as ANDY WICKHAM puts it: “represented, in spirit if not in musical belief, all that THE LAMP OF CHILDHOOD stands for . . .”
. . . Did you know that LYNN READY of the TEDDY NEELY FIVE was on “Ripley’s Believe it Or Not” at the age of 3! He received this honor which is bestowed on very few people because of his ability to sing (from memory) over 100 songs. When doing so, at the opening of Dallas radio station WBAP, LYNN had to stand on a chair to reach the microphone! Another of LYNN’s many accomplishments is his time spent as a Walt Disney “Mousketeer” . . .
. . . CONTEST!! Guess DAVY JONES’ correct hat size! that’s right, hat size! Everyone who guesses correctly will win a free HULLABALOO button. Use postcards only (or 3X5 file cards). We cannot open envelopes, and be sure you include your full name, age, address and school. Send your postcards to: GEDMAN / HULLABALOO Magazine / 342 Madison Avenue / New York / N.Y., 10017 . . . Deadline is July 30, 1967 (midnight) . . .
. . . Yes, Hullabaloos, it’s been another groovy month and it looks like a lot will be happening in the coming weeks. Be sure to tune in here again next month for the latest and greatest in news in the pop kingdom. Until then, don’t slip on any banana peels . . . Ciao!