Info The Monkees take the business of making records seriously. Even while taking a break between songs, Mike and Micky are working out some of the arrangements. Mike produces many of their songs. While Micky, who never sang before, has impressed everyone with his groovy determination. His was the lead voice on “I’m A Believer.” Info Davy likes the song Neil Sedaka has written for them. Neil, who used to be a super-star in his own right, has recently concentrated on songwriting and record-producing. He is in The Monkees groove, and will probably be involved in their future records, as well. Info Mike is everywhere during the recording session! In the studio, in the control room, with the engineers, with the arrangers, even with FLIP’s photographer! Info Would you believe one black sock and one white one? Info Micky makes a point. But Davy holds his ground. Size, Davy is proudly proving, isn’t everything! Info Micky intensely listens to the day’s work. What does his expression tell you? It tells us The Monkees have another hit! Info Mike puts all he’s got into the song.
The Monkees Flip Out
Magazine: Flip
Publisher: Kahn Communications Corporation
Page: 62