Terrifically simple! Simply Terrific!
in Courtaulds Sarille
By Elizabeth Barry Boutique
Here’s another winner from Liz Barry! You (and your friends!) will really flip for this cute shirt dress—with its cleverly co-ordinated check trim on the collar, cuffs and front tab, set off by those six sparkling gilt buttons. It’s made in soft, warm Courtaulds SARILLE brushed rayon, that’s fully-washable and with the TEBILIZED crease-resisting finish. There’s a sensible long back zip—and you can make the skirt mini-length if you wish. It’s your choice! This fab offer comes in six exciting colours: Trendy Violet (illustrated), Kingfisher Blue, French Navy, Gold, Spring Brown, New Lilac.
This offer comes to you complete with check trim, zip, gilt buttons and interfacing, plus simple step-by-step, fully-illustrated sewing instructions. And there is a generous 1” seam and 2” hem allowance. Postage and Packing are FREE.
SAMANTHA OFFER. Simply fill in the coupon in BLOCK CAPITALS and send a crossed postal order or cheque—made payable to Elizabeth Barry Boutique—to: E.B.B. SAMANTHA OFFER. Dept. R 30 Hanway St, Oxford St, London, W.1. IMPORTANT: Please write your name and address on the back of all cheques and postal orders. Offer only Available in U.K. Closing date—March 16th, 1967. So hurry and be sure of your first colour choice.
[Magazine provided by Senti.]